High-Quality Preschool Homeschool Programs Are Essential

Children who participate in high-quality preschool homeschool programs receive a boost in the early skills that will set them up for success in elementary school. Preschool age is a time when a child’s brain is very much influenced and developed based on the environments they are in. Furthermore, preschool provides a rich environment of learning, play, and fun. Here are four reasons why pre-k is necessary:

Introduces Children to Basic Literacy

Preschool introduces literacy to children in multiple ways, including reading pictures to develop storytelling skills, creating awareness of the punctuation symbols in writing, and learning that the purpose of print is to communicate information to the reader. Notably, a strong literacy foundation predicts higher rates of academic success.

Helps to Develop Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills refer to making small movements using the muscles in the hands and fingers. Preschool is when your little one starts to use writing instruments that further their development of these skills. Furthermore, turning pages of a book, cutting with scissors, drawing, painting, and playing with blocks will also help fine motor skill development.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem as a Learner

Through preschool, children learn how to make decisions and solve problems. In turn, this helps them develop independence and self-confidence. Artistic play in preschool is an excellent outlet for children to develop new ideas and create something independently. Children who feel good about themselves and proud of what they can do have the confidence to try new things and cope far better with mistakes.

Helps the Transition to Kindergarten

Preschool helps children become academically and emotionally ready for kindergarten. Preschool builds basic academic skills such as introduction to letters and counting, which serve as a strong foundation for kindergarteners. Moreover, preschool builds emotional skills such as self-awareness and emotion regulation. Children who have had preschool have a much stronger foundation for success when they enter kindergarten.

Overall, preschool provides the practice your child needs to build strong academic and fine motor skills. It helps give children the confidence to feel secure and confident in kindergarten. Are you looking to enroll your little one in preschool?  Quality preschool homeschool programs offer the curriculums to set the best academic foundation for your child.